50 State Teacher Shortage Articles
The current rate at which new teachers are entering the profession will not keep pace with this demand, creating a teacher shortage in many areas across the nation.
Teacher Shortages Nationally
A teacher shortage in the United States has been projected for over 20 years, largely based on the expected population growth due to the rate of immigration, expanding and maturing families, coupled with the forecasted mass retirement of the baby boomers (NCTAF, 1996).
High Teacher Turnover Hurting Students
High turnover among new teachers in public school classrooms undermines school stability, serves as an impediment to educational reform, and hurts student achievement, a study by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
New Teacher Report(Carnegie Foundation Complete Report)
For years, school reformers have been pushing for teacher performance pay on the grounds that greater compensation would encourage stronger teachers to stay in the profession. But it’s increasingly clear that it’s not money, or a lack of it, that’s causing most teachers to leave.
Respect at school in decline
Compared with when they were students, Americans today believe that there’s a lot less respect in the hallways of the nation’s schools. A new Harris Poll out Thursday finds that fewer adults believe teachers respect parents or students — and that fewer believe parents and students respect teachers.
How the public is deceived about Highly-Qualified Teachers
For years now a charade has been perpetuated on the public by politicians in Washington and school reformers about the definition of a “highly qualified teacher” — an issue that has real‐life consequences in the country’s neediest classrooms.
The value of highly-effective teachers for economic development
There is great concern as the U.S. has fallen behind other developed countries in terms of the educational achievement of its students. The low achievement of American students, as reflected in the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), will prevent them from accessing good, high-paying jobs. And lower achievement means slower growth in the economy.
Certification and Teacher Prep
Good teaching is perhaps the most critical part of a solid education. In fact, the deleterious effects of just one ineffective teacher may jeopardize the entire educational success of a young person, regardless of how many effective teachers she might subsequently have (Wright, Horn, & Sanders,1997).
What makes a teacher effective? Research indicates that teacher preparation/knowledge of teaching and learning, subject matter knowledge, experience, and the combined set of qualifications measured by teacher licensure are all leading factors in teacher effectiveness.
Five Reasons Teacher Turnover Is on the Rise
A recent U.C. Berkeley study of Los Angeles charter schools found unusually high rates of teacher turnover. At the 163 charter schools studied, teacher turnover hovered around 40 percent, compared to 15 percent at traditional public schools.
Compared with when they were students, Americans today believe that there’s a lot less respect in the hallways of the nation’s schools. A new Harris Poll out Thursday finds that fewer adults believe teachers respect parents or students — and that fewer believe parents and students respect teachers.
High Teacher Turnover Rates are a Big Problem for America
The problem is most acute in the nation’s high minority, high poverty, and low performing schools. Because 46% of all new teachers in the United States leave the
profession within five years, NCTAF says leaders of at-risk schools are in a constant cycle of rebuilding their staff.
profession within five years, NCTAF says leaders of at-risk schools are in a constant cycle of rebuilding their staff.
Inexperienced Teachers A Booming Trend
The push for high-performing college graduates and non-teachers from other professions to enter the classroom has reached an all-time high in the past few years. Proponents of “alternative entry” see it as a fast way to send motivated,
knowledgeable instructors into schools—particularly high needs schools and subjects like math and science—but their inexperience and high turnover rate has drawn fire from critics.
knowledgeable instructors into schools—particularly high needs schools and subjects like math and science—but their inexperience and high turnover rate has drawn fire from critics.
Inequality in Teaching and Schooling
Few Americans realize that the U.S. educational system is one of the most unequal in the industrialized world, and students routinely receive dramatically different learning opportunities based on their social status.
Given the tremendous impact teachers have on learning—they are the single most important school-based determinant of student achievement—the National Council on Teacher Quality(NCTQ) believes that no education improvement strategy states and districts take on is likely to have a greater impact than one which seeks to maximize teacher and principal performance.
Path-to-Highly-Effective Teachers-White Paper
There is a huge amount of public and private data, research and commentary on the global challenge of failing school systems.Research, over decades, shows a one-to-one relationship between better prepared teachers leads to improved student achievement.
Problem of Out-of-Field Teaching
Few issues in our elementary and secondary schools are subject to more debate and discussion than the quality of teachers. Over the past decade, dozens of studies, commissions, and national reports have bemoaned our failure to ensure that all our nation’s classrooms are staffed with qualified teachers.
Qualified Math Teachers Elusive for Struggling Students
In many schools in the United States, students struggling the most in mathematics at the start of high school have the worst odds of getting a qualified teacher in the subject, new research finds.
Realistic-Rote-Learning – a necessary part of education
For years, school reformers have been pushing for teacher performance pay on the grounds that greater compensation would encourage stronger teachers to stay in the profession. But it’s increasingly clear that it’s not money, or a lack of it, that’s causing most teachers to leave.
Teacher Quality NCLB report
Compared with when they were students, Americans today believe that there’s a lot less respect in the hallways of the nation’s schools. A new Harris Poll out Thursday finds that fewer adults believe teachers respect parents or students — and that fewer believe parents and students respect teachers.
World comparisons – preparing-teachers-ETS
For years now a charade has been perpetuated on the public by politicians in Washington and school reformers about the definition of a “highly qualified teacher” — an issue that has real‐life consequences in the country’s neediest classrooms.
The Teaching and Learning Foundation serves the educational community by addressing the unequal distribution of highly-qualified and highly-effective teachers. The Foundation does so through the _Expert Systems for Teachers__®__ _Series.
The Foundation is dedicated to improving the teaching and learning of all subjects, core and elective, at all K12 grade levels, with the belief that education is the key to raising the prospects for all.