50 State Teacher Shortage Articles
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) reports that between 2010 and 2019, total enrollment for public and private elementary and secondary schools is expected to grow from 55 million to 58 million. The current rate at which new teachers are entering the profession will not keep pace with this demand, creating a teacher shortage in many areas across the nation.
Teacher Shortages Nationally
A teacher shortage in the United States has been projected for over 20 years, largely based on the expected population growth due to the rate of immigration, expanding and maturing families, coupled with the forecasted mass retirement of the baby boomers (NCTAF, 1996).
50 State Teacher Shortage Articles
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) reports that between 2010 and 2019, total enrollment for public and private elementary and secondary schools is expected to grow from 55 million to 58 million.
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Teacher Shortages Nationally
A teacher shortage in the United States has been projected for over 20 years, largely based on the expected population growth due to the rate of immigration, expanding and maturing families.
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High Teacher Turnover Hurting Students
High turnover among new teachers in public school classrooms undermines school stability, serves as an impediment to educational reform, and hurts student achievement.
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